The teacher I observed in this series of videos provided a variety of activities for her students throughout the videos. I really liked how she adapted the game of Go Fish to work with the vocabulary that the students were using.

Her lesson started off with high energy, high levels of interaction. From the very beginning of her lesson, she pointed out tones used when speaking and emphasised them and got the students to repeat back. This allowed her to correct pronunciation and explain why this was important to pay attention to. Her explanations were clear and easy to understand. 

I liked how before class even began she was checking in with her student while she handed out their name cards. I really like the idea of name cards and using them to help with general callouts.

She did do something I had never seen before was getting the students to identify how many syllables are in a word. I found that it made the students have to pay attention to the pronunciation and where the stress falls in the word. 

Also, the use of props throughout the lesson, including when the students got up to practice the scenario that the teacher had laid out. I found that getting the students to roleplay with the vocabulary helped them to know how to use the questions or ask for something in a store setting (in the case of this lesson) 

You could see the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy in the way that each exercise built on top of each other getting the students to have a full understanding of the language, the use of it. She started with sentences written on the board, then moved on to have them speak without any prompts.

Also, she took the time with the students to get them to make the correct sound that she was focusing on, the feedback she gave to the students was gentle and encouraging which I believe is important if you want the students to succeed.

Student to student interaction, I have found to be very important, because of peer feedback, at least I think it is as it allows students to know that their peers are at the same level as themselves

Everything in her lessons were connected, from the start to the finish, her exit ticket for that class was to get everyone to say what they were wearing before they left the room. I liked that it connected everything and was a final way of checking to see what the students had retained