This class felt a lot more balanced between my partner and myself. We actually made sure to break down and say who will be leading each activity as well as paying better attention to the time as that was something that we struggled with in our past lessons. Even with saying who was leading each lesson, my partner still did try to take over after we came back from break out rooms.

I felt that our warmup wasn’t the best for an online setting, but would have worked better in a physical classroom due to some technical difficulties in giving the students their secret words to describe to the rest of the class.

The students participated very well with our activities and enjoyed the discussions in the breakout rooms. The students that were in my groups were very active, though I did try to get one of the students to speak more about her country as we were studying it for the story that we were discussing. 

Even our one activity that wasn’t done in breakout rooms, the students participated and seemed to have a lot of fun, though that activity didn’t end up taking as long as we expected.