Looking back over the lessons that I have taught, I was able to grow, but there is still a lot of growing that I need to do. If I do end up teaching with a partner in the future, I need to learn to not let my partner take over when I am leading an activity.

I also need to be more engaged with the students, draw out deeper answers and all around get the students thinking on a different level. As well as giving better feedback than just saying thanks, but that will come with experience. 

With that being said, there are other qualities that are good, such as patients while students are formulating their thoughts. When there’s silence while students are thinking, I’m comfortable waiting without feeling the need to fill in that silence.

In hindsight, I realize that when creating the breakout rooms, I should have made sure that there was one person per group who had read the story, as I had asked that earlier in the class and would have been the perfect opportunity to use that. 

I have learned that I have many strengths as a teacher that I can bring as well as areas that I can improve in.