At the very beginning of the Conversation Club, the students were able to interact with each other as the interactive whiteboard was on so the students could draw, write, colour, whatever they wished to on the first slide. Once everyone was in the class everyone turned on their cameras and introduced themselves as there were some new faces in the group. I thought this was really nice to get students to engage while waiting for everyone to join the room.  

I liked how she incorporated some pop culture into the course to help illustrate what the theme of her lesson was. The show she used, most of the students had seen it and were able to voice their opinions as well as describe the show for those who had not seen it. I liked how she showed the class a clip and then had them discuss it and what they thought about the advice that was given. This was a good way to engage with the students by using something that there’s a good chance that most of the class would know.  

Her class was very interactive and engaging, it seemed that most of the students were eager to talk and state their opinions, she also had very good use of time management and made sure that she stayed on time. At the end of each part, she would wait for questions so the pace wasn’t too fast to keep up with. 

The way she ran this class, you could tell that it was more for the students’ help and topics that they need to go over as opposed to what more content based classes.